首页> 中文期刊>安徽广播电视大学学报 >“正體字”是什么字?——评《從學術觀點看“正體字”與“簡化字”》




Since 20th century, there have been two debates about the Chinese character retain it or not, simplify it or not. The former debate is connected with the nation's prosperity, the latter relates to tra- ditional culture inheritance. The debate on simplifying has been spread to both sides of the strait. Some peo- ple in Taiwan name it as the debate between "standard-type character" and simplified character, this debate is also connected with expanding cultural market. The Taiwan scholoar Li Xian makes a definition to the so- called "standard-type characted", however, the author of this article thinks that this definition is mistaken in logic and is not in accordance with the fact.%二十世纪以来,汉字存在着两种争论:存废之争和繁简之争。存废之争跟治国兴邦相联系,繁简之争跟传承传统文化相联系。繁简之争扩大到海峡两岸,台湾有人称其为"正体字"与简化字之争,这个争论跟拓展文化市场相联系。台湾学者李鍌先生给所谓"正体字"作界定,本文认为这个界定存在着逻辑错误和不符合事实的问题。



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