首页> 中文期刊> 《安徽电气工程职业技术学院学报》 >《劳务派遣暂行规定》浅析




Provisional Regulations of Labor Dispatch takes effect from March 1st, 2014. Provisional Regu-lations of Labor Dispatch imposes strict restrictions on the labor dispatch of employing units and gives detailed regulations on the certification process of subsidiary posts, the proportion of recruited work force, the guarantee of equal pay for equal work, the dispatch to different work places as well as transitional period. Owing to historical reasons, labor dispatch has been prevailing in enterprises. After Provisional Regulations of Labor Dispatch comes into force, it is required that all the employing units attach great importance to policy research so as to adapt to the new change of the policies and optimize the strategies of recruiting labor for the purpose of lifting the level of socialization, marketization and standardization of the recruited labor. Meanwhile, the management of the post, wages, welfare and contract of the recruited labor dispatch also needs to be strengthened in order to prevent the potential hazard and protect the inter-ests of the enterprise and employees.%《劳务派遣暂行规定》自2014年3月1日起施行,《规定》对用工单位使用劳务派遣用工进行了严格限制,并在辅助性岗位认定程序、用工比例、同工同酬待遇、异地派遣、过渡期等方面做了细致的规定。由于历史的原因,劳务派遣用工在企业中普遍存在,《规定》出台后,各用工单位需要加强政策研究,适应法规变化,优化用工策略,进一步提升用工的社会化、市场化和规范化水平。同时,也要加强劳务派遣用工的岗位、薪酬、福利、合同等管理,防范用工风险,维护企业和员工的利益。



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