首页> 中文期刊> 《安徽农业科学》 >刺五加黑斑病的室内药剂筛选




[目的]筛选对刺五加黑斑病菌具有抑菌效果的药剂.[方法] 用 11种药剂在2 500、1 250和833 μg/ml 3种浓度条件下分别对刺五加黑斑病菌进行处理,研究不同药剂和稀释浓度对刺五加黑斑病菌的抑菌效果.[结果] 不同药剂和稀释浓度对刺五加黑斑病菌的抑菌效果影响很大,其中10%世高水分散剂、30%福嘧霉悬浮剂、50%扑海因WP和20%黑星叶霉唑超微WP对刺五加黑斑病的抑菌效果最佳,在各浓度处理条件下的抑菌率均为100%;3%多抗霉素WP的抑菌效果也很好;50%菌安利WP在浓度为2 500 μg/ml时,75%达科宁(百菌清)WP在浓度为1 250 μg/ml时,对刺五加黑斑病也有一定抑制作用;其他药剂对刺五加黑斑病的抑制作用不大. [结论] 在11种药剂的3种浓度处理中,筛选出5种对刺五加黑斑病菌具有较明显抑制作用的药剂.%[Objective]The study aimed to screen the fungicides had optimum antibacterial effects on black spot disease in Acanthopanax senticosus.[Method] The black spot disease in A. Senticosus was treated separately with 11 kinds of fungicides at 3 concn. Of 2 500, 1 250 and 833 μg/ml,and study the antibacterial effect of different fungicides and concn. On controlling of black spot disease in A. Senticosus.[Result] The different fungicides and their dilution concn. Had great effects on the bacteriostasis for black spot disease in A. Senticosus, in which 10% difenoconazole dispersant, 30% thiram suspending agent, 50% ipiodine WP, 20% tetramethylthiuramdisulphide ultrafine WP and 3% Polyoxin WP got optimum antibacterial effect on black spot disease in A. Senticosus, with the antibacterial rate of 100% under various concn. Treatments. 50% Carbendzim Mancozeb WP at 2 500 μg/ml and 75% chlorothalonil WP at 1 250 μg/ml had certain antibacterial action on black spot disease in A. Senticosus and other fungicides had little antibacterial action on this disease.[Conclusion] Among 11 kinds of fungicide with treatment concn.,5 kinds of fungicides that had obvious antibacterial effects on black spot disease in A. Senticosus were screened out in this experiment.



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