首页> 中文期刊> 《安徽农业科学》 >星湖里湖区水生植被及其生态效应研究




The species, distribution and biomass of 6 representative aquatic vegetation and water quality, such as water body, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, chlorophyll a and NH3 -N in Lake Iihu were investigated and studied, the ecological effect of aquatic vegetation were analyzed. The results showed that aquatic flora in the lake covers Vallisneria densesemdate ,Myriophyllum spicatum ,Limnanthemum indicium and Nelumbo nucifera 4 species. The community structure was simple and the dominant of community was Vallisneria densesemdate. Aquatic vegetation biomass and nutrient content were negatively correlated, conversely, aquatic vegetation biomass and water transparency were positively correlated. The results show that aquatic vegetation could purify water,reduce N,P nutrients content and inhibit algae growth. The study provided scientific basis for comprehensive adjustment and ecological restoration of the environment of Lake Xinghu.%对星湖里湖区6个具有代表性的水生植被种类、分布、生物量以及水体TN、TP、叶绿素a、NH3-N等水质指标进行调查研究,探讨了里湖区水生植被的生态效应.结果表明,共采集到密齿苦草、穗花狐尾藻、金银莲花、莲等4种植物,优势种为密齿苦草;水生植物生物量与水体营养盐含量呈负相关,与水体透明度呈正相关;水生植物可净化水质,有效降低水体N、P营养盐,克制藻类生长.该研究为星湖环境的综合治理和生态修复提供了科学依据.



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