首页> 中文期刊>安徽农业科学 >基于EST同工酶的缘蝽亚科10种缘蝽系统发育关系初探(半翅目:缘蝽科)




[ Objective]The paper was to explore the phylogenetic relationship among ten species of insects in Cletus,Hygia,Acanthocoris,Coreus and Homoeocerus in Coreinae. [ Method ] Using vertical slab PAGE, EST isozymes of ten species of Riptortus linearis in Coreinae were studied.[ Result ] Cluster analysis showed that the difference between five genera of Coreinae were greater than intraspecific differences. The genus Homoeocerus had more distant relationship with the other 4 genera of Coreinae, while it had nearer relationship with Mictinae. [ Conclusion ] EST isozymes of ten species of the subfamily were clear with strong polymorphic and good stability, which could be used for insect identification of Coreinae and phylogenetic study of species. Combined with morphological characters and variation condition of Cyt b gene sequence,it is suggesed that Homoeocerus Burmeisiter should be separated from Coreinae and classified into Mictinae.%[目的]探讨缘蝽亚科棘缘蝽属、黑缘蝽属、瘤缘蝽属、缘蝽属和同缘蝽属10种昆虫系统发育关系.[方法]采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术研究秦巴山区缘蝽亚科10种缘蝽的EST同工酶.[结果]聚类分析结果表明,缘蝽亚科5属不同属间差异要大于属内各种间差异,同缘蝽属与其他4属亲缘关系较远,与巨缘蝽亚科亲缘关系较近.L结论]该亚科10个种EST同工酶谱带清晰、多态性强、稳定性好,适用于缘蝽亚科昆虫鉴别和物种系统发育研究.结合形态特征及Cyt b基因序列变异情况,建议将同缘蝽属从缘蝽亚科划入巨缘蝽亚科.



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