首页> 中文期刊>安徽农业科学 >滨湖旅游区生态旅游循环经济发展模式探析——基于云南省抚仙湖禄充景区的个案研究




Strategies of “guidance to different types of areas, promotion step by step” were given to study the development model of ecotourism circular economy in different types of tourist sites. By taking Luchong Scenic Area by the Fuxian Lake, Yunnan Province for an example,the general model of ecotourism circular economy in lakefront scenic area was summarized. It was stressed that ecological principles and “5R”(rethinking, reducing, reusing, recycling, repairing) should be followed in its construction. Characteristics of a lakefront scenic area and actual conditions of its location region should be taken into consideration, with sewage processing and lakefront environment protection as the focus, green scenic area and green tourism community as the carrier. A development model of ecotourism circular economy was established by considering relevant elements such as clean production, green consumption, waste processing, ecological compensation and industrial coupling, effective measures were given to introduce theories into practices, which would be the only chance for the lakefront scenic area realizing its sustainable development.%指出生态旅游循环经济应该采取"分类指导、逐步推进"的战略来研究各类景区的生态旅游循环经济发展模式,以云南省抚仙湖禄充景区为例,在对澄江旅游度假区禄充景区进行个案研究的基础上,总结了滨湖景区生态旅游循环经济发展的一般模式,强调溟湖景区生态旅游循环经济发展模式的构建应该坚持生态学的基本原理,以及再思考、减量化、再利用、再循环、再修复的"5R"原理,根据滨湖景区自身的特点和所处区域产业结构的实际,以污水处理和湖滨环境保护为中心,以绿色景区和绿色旅游社区建设为载体,考虑清洁生产、绿色消费、废弃物处理、生态补偿、产业耦合等相关要素,构建生态旅游循环经济模式,并采取切实措施,使之从理论走向实践,将是保证滨湖景区可持续发展的唯一选择.



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