首页> 中文期刊> 《安徽农业科学》 >天山北坡典型研究区融雪期积雪光谱特征分析




选取了新疆天山北坡军塘湖流域作为典型研究区,布设4个2 m×2 m试验样方,在2011年3月利用ASD便携式地物光谱仪对该地区积雪进行了积雪反射光谱的测定并对其进行了分析.结果表明,积雪在近红外区后反射率急剧下降,在1 350 nm附近积雪反射率近似呈直线下降;1 020、1 250、1 470和2000 nm附近是积雪反射率吸收峰,在1 470和2000 nm附近积雪的反射率几乎为0;太阳高度角引起的积雪反射率变化主要在近红外区;积雪反射率随时间推移而逐渐降低;在融雪期,随着测量面深度的增加,积雪的反射率有减小的趋势.%Juntanghu basin in the Northern slope of Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang was selected as the study area, four 2 m × 2 m sample quadrates were set up to determine the refection spectrum of snow in these areas with ASD FieldSpec Pro Ⅲ in March, 2011. As indicated by the results, the snow reflectance declined remarkably after the near-infrared area and linearly around 1 350 nm, there were absorption curves of snow reflectance at 1 020 nm, 1 250 nm, 1 470 nm and 2 000 nm, the reflectance around 1 470 and 2 000 nm was nearly zero; the snow reflectance within the near-infrared area changed according to the sun elevation angle, and it gradually declined with the time; during the snowmelt period, the snow reflectance showed an decreasing trend with the measuring depth.



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