首页> 中文期刊> 《安徽农业科学》 >三柱塞式秸秆煤成型机理论及试验研究




In view of the diverse types of biomass materials, low production efficiency, high production costs, strong vibration of equipment and heavy wear of parts, etc. , a new three-plunger straw coal fuel molding machine was developed with the virtual prototype and finite element technique based on the molding experiment. When the cone angle is. 15?, the molding temperature is 180 X., and the water content in materials is 11 % - 17% , the density of the molded straw coal can be above 1.1 g/cm3 with the per unit heat value of more than 4 300 kj, which is as good as the excellent coal. The production efficiency of the three-plunger straw coal fuel molding machine is raised by about 50% , the costs was cut down by 33% , the molding rate can be as high as 99% , and the service life is nearly tripled. With the advantages of strong adaptability to various raw materials, high production efficiency, low costs and smooth running, the three-plunger straw coal fuel molding machine is particularly suitable for rural people, and its purchase has been subsidized in liaoning Province.%针对目前国内外生物质原料种类多、生产效率低、生产成本高及设备振动剧烈、部件磨损严重等问题,利用虚拟样机和有限元分析技术,结合成型试验研制了一种新的三柱塞式秸秆煤成型机.该机具当成型模具锥角为15°、成型温度为180℃、玉米秸秆原料含水率11%~17%时,成型燃料块的密度可达1.1 g/cm3以上,单位热值可达4 300 kJ以上,可与优质煤相媲美.三柱塞式秸秆煤成型机的生产效率比传统两柱塞式成型机提高了近50%,成本降低了33%,成型率可达到99%,寿命增加了近两倍.三柱塞式秸秆煤成型机具有对原料适应性强、生产效率高、产品成本低、运行平稳等特点,是特别适合广大农村朋友的新型多功能压缩成型机,目前已被正式选入辽宁省农机购置补贴目录.



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