首页> 中文期刊> 《安徽农业科学》 >不同剂量党参·淫羊藿提取物对青脚麻鸡肝组织的影响




[目的]研究不同剂量党参、淫羊藿对青脚麻鸡肝组织结构的影响.[方法]将420只14日龄青脚麻鸡随机均分7组,分别为饮用党参和淫羊藿提取物大(2.0 g/L)、中(1.0 g,/L)、小(0.5 g/L)浓度组和对照组(饮用自来水).于28,35,42,49,56日龄时,早晨空腹随机抽样12只解剖,迅速取肝脏标本,称量并计算肝系数,并于Bouns液中固定24h后,观察肝脏组织结构的变化.[结果]2.0 g/L党参组在28、35、42日龄时肝血窦增大,血窦内枯否氏细胞增多;2.0 g/L淫羊藿组在42、49、56日龄时肝细胞索分界明显,血窦内枯否氏细胞增多,肝血窦增大.[结论]2.0 g/L的党参、淫羊藿提取物对青脚麻鸡肝组织结构有明显的促进作用.%[ Objective ] To investigate the effects of extracts of Pilose Asiabell Root and Herba Epimedii Brevicomus on hepatic structure of partridge shank chicken at different doses. [ Method] Four hundred and twenty 14-day-old partridge shank chickens were randomly divided into seven groups. The chickens of different groups were given Pilose Asiabell Root extracts (0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 g/L) , Herba Epimedii Brevicomus extracts (0.5, 1.0 and 2. 0 g/L) and drinking water (CK), respectively. Twenty fasting chickens were randomly selected in the morning at 28, 35, 42, 49 and 56 days old respectively and dissected. Their livers were taken out immediately and weighed to determine liver index. The livers were fixed in Bouin liquid for 24 h and were used to prepare pathological sections for observation of changes. [ Result] The Pilose Asiabell Root extracts at a high dose of 2.0 g/L enlarged hepatic sinusoids and increased Kupffer cells within sinusoids at 28, 35 and 42 days old. The Herba Epimedii Brevicomus extracts at a high dose of 2.0 g/L also had the same effects on hepatic structure, and the cords of liver cells had clear boundaries at 42, 49 and 56 days old. [ Conclusion] The extracts of Pilose Asiabell Root and Herba Epimedii Brevicomus at a high dose of 2.0 g/L had positive effects on the hepatic development of partridge shank chicken.



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