首页> 中文期刊>安徽农业科学 >135孔与187孔育苗盘育苗效果对比试验




Objective] To breed tobacco seedlings with stocky stem and developed roots to improve tobacco seedlings quality and reduce pro-duction cost.[Method] A filed test was conducted by randomized block design,and the effects of different seedling trays (with 135 and 187 holes respectively) on seedlings quality,agronomic traits,disease resistance,yield,output value,and intrinsic chemical composition of tobacco K326 in field growth period were studied.[Result] The characters of tobacco K326 bred on the seedling tray with 135 holes were superior to that of the seedling tray with 187 holes,such as increases of root biomass,stem diameter,disease resistance,yield,and output value.[Conclusion] The seed-ling tray with 135 holes can replace the seedling tray with 187 holes and can be popularized and applied further .%[目的]培育茎秆粗壮、根系发达的烟苗,提高烟苗素质,降低生产成本。[方法]以K326为试验材料,采用随机区组试验设计,通过田间试验,研究不同规格育苗盘对烤烟烟苗素质、大田生长期农艺性状、抗病性状、产质量及内在化学成分影响。[结果]135孔育苗盘育苗模式在苗期和大田团棵期的表现均优于187孔育苗盘育苗模式,主要表现在烤烟根系生物量的增加及茎围的增粗、抗病性的提高、产量和产值的增加等方面。[结论]135孔育苗盘可替代187育苗盘,可进一步加大推广应用。



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