首页> 中文期刊>安徽农业科学 >威海市园林植物主要病虫害无公害药剂筛选




[目的]筛选对威海市园林植物主要病虫害的无公害药剂极其适宜浓度.[方法]针对威海市园林植物3种病害(紫薇白粉病、红瑞木溃疡病和草坪褐斑病)和3种虫害(美国白蛾、黄杨绢野螟和方翅网蝽)进行了无公害药剂试验,并制定出针对病虫害的无公害药剂防治技术.[结果]嘧啶核苷类抗菌素防治紫薇白粉病和红瑞木溃疡病的效果在72%以上;梧宁霉素1250倍液和解淀粉芽孢杆菌50倍液防治草坪褐斑病的效果较为理想,均达57%.采用甲维盐8000倍液、森得保2000倍液、阿维菌素2000倍液防治美国白蛾,效果较好且成本较低;采用甲维盐8000倍液防治黄杨绢野螟,效果较好且成本较低;甲维盐8000倍液对方翅网蝽的防效达97%,能有效遏制方翅网蝽的传播蔓延.[结论]该试验结果为北方城市园林植物病虫害防治工作提供了参考.%[Objective] The aim was to screen out pollution-free agents for main pests and diseases of garden plant in Weihai City. [Method] The pollution-free agents test was carried out for three kinds of diseases and three kinds of pests of garden plant in Weihai City,and prevention and control technology of pollution-free agents on main pests and diseases of garden plant in Weihai City was put forward. [Result] Pyrimidine nucleoside antibiotics had good control effect on Lagerstroemia indica L. powdery mildew and Swida alba canker, with more than 72%. Both 1 250 times diluent of tetramycin and 50 times diluent of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens had ideal control effect on lawn cercospora leaf spot, with 57%. 8 000 times diluent of emamectin benzoate,2 000 times diluent of sendebao and 2 000 times diluent of abamectin had good control effect on Hyphantria cunea,and the cost was low. The 8 000 times diluent of emamectin benzoate had good control effect on Diaphania perspectalis,and the cost was low. The 8 000 times diluent of emamectin benzoate also had good control effect on Corythucha ciliate Say, and could prevent its spread. [Conclusion] The result provides reference for control of main pests and diseases of garden plant in Northern cities.



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