首页> 外文会议>2010 the 5th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications >The design of the remote diagnosis system of the main tobacco diseases and insect pests

The design of the remote diagnosis system of the main tobacco diseases and insect pests




Remote diagnosis system is an effective way to forecast the trends of tobacco diseases and insect pests. The system is a B/S application. It includes User side, Server side and Data collection module. Tobacco farmer can find the prevention and cure methods of tobacco diseases and insect pests with the system and the application can diagnose tobacco diseases and insect pests by images shot by the wireless sensors or by farmers. With the history Data and expert knowledge, the system can forecast the develop trend of the tobacco diseases and insect pests.
机译:远程诊断系统是预测烟草疾病和虫害趋势的有效方法。该系统是B / S应用程序。它包括用户端,服务器端和数据收集模块。利用该系统,烟农可以找到烟草病虫害的防治方法,该应用可以通过无线传感器或农民拍摄的图像来诊断烟草病虫害。利用历史数据和专家知识,该系统可以预测烟草病虫害的发展趋势。



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