首页> 中文期刊> 《安徽农业科学》 >空间信息形势下的GIS课程教学改革与实验模块优化设计




Taking Anhui Agriculture University forestry professional geographic information system course as an example,the problems in the course of the early course were reviewed and summarized. Combining the needs of forestry talents training and the characteristics of the geogra-phy information system and the basic teaching objectives,taking adjustment of a new round of training program in school as an opportunity, curriculum schedule was adjusted,experiment module was optimized,forestry professional students' learning interest was effectively stimula-ted,students'practical ability was effectively improved. The aim was to promote the adjustment and reform of teaching contents, improve teaching quality and provide specialized talents with solid theoretical foundation and skillful operation skills for forestry sector.%以安徽农业大学林学专业地理信息系统课程为例,回顾与总结了前期课程开展过程中存在的问题,结合林业人才培养需求及地理信息系统课程的特点和基本教学目标,以学校新一轮培养方案调整为契机,调整课程学时安排,优化实验模块,有效激发林学专业学生的学习兴趣,切实提高学生实践能力,以期推动该课程教学内容的调整与改革,提高课程教学质量,为林业部门输送具有扎实理论基础与熟练操作技能的专门人才.



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