首页> 中文期刊> 《航空航天医学杂志》 >注射实验课真人真做护生接受度的调查




Objective To investigate and analysis the cognition and acceptance for the injection experimental courses which is operated by real people by the undergraduate nursing students.Methods Use the way of questionnaire survey and the panel to investigate 102 undergraduate nursing students in class 2012 at our school.Results The acceptance de-gree of the injection experimental courses which is operated by the real people is obviously increased after the class.The acceptance degree of man students is raising from 75.0%to 91.7%.At the same time,the degree of woman students is raising from 72.2%to 91.1%.By this means of experimental class,the students understand the importance of the real operation.80.4%students think it arose the learning interests of students.90.2 students have increased their responsibil-ity.76.5%students enhance their communication skills.86.3% students have exercised their mental qualities.80.4%students enhance their skill of actual operation.86.3% students increase their comprehensive qualities.Conclusions The rejection experimental class which is adopted the way of real operation can increase the quality of the experiment teaching.%目的:调查分析本科护生对注射实验课真人真做的认知及接受程度。方法采用问卷调查及座谈方式对102名本科护生进行调查。结果真人真做注射实验课护生接受度课后明显高于课前,课后男生接受度由课前的75.0%提高到91.7%,女生由72.2%提高到91.1%。通过真人真做实验课,护生领悟到到真人操作的重要性,80.4%的护生认为真人操作激发了学习兴趣,90.2%的护生责任感增强,76.5%的护生沟通技巧提高,86.3%的护生心理素质得到锻炼,80.4%的护生实际操作能力提高,86.3%的护生综合素质全面提升。结论注射实验课采用真人真做能提高实验教学质量,有助于实用型护理人才的培养。



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