首页> 中文期刊> 《吉林中医药》 >诸结癖瘤菱形发病皆属于郁r——仝小林教授对女性'三联'疾病的认识




"三联"疾病指甲状腺、乳腺、子宫(卵巢)相继或联合发病,即女性在这三个地方的一处出现结节、肿块、囊肿,其他两个地方也往往会出现伴随症状.西医多认为此三个部位结节等的发生多与激素分泌功能紊乱有关,中医则认为情志因素是三种疾病共同发病的病因,其病机与肝气郁结所致气滞、痰凝、 血瘀等因素密切相关.仝小林教授临证从"郁"角度出发,认为忧思日久,肝郁气结为本病发病基础,且根据病性虚实又有因郁而结和因虚而结的不同.因此对女性"三联"疾病病因病机的认识、治疗原则的提出及有效靶方靶药的运用有独到的思路和见解,可用于指导临床.%The women always suffer from thyroid nodule, hyperplasia of mammary glands and fibroids of the uterus (ovarian cyst) at the same time or in succession, called as "combined attack of the three diseases". Medical theory holds that the occurrence of nodules in these three parts is due to dysfunction of hormone secretion. Traditional Chinese medicine hold that "the emotional factor" is the common etiology of the three diseases, and the pathogenesis is related toqi stagnation, blood stasis and phlegm coagulation caused by liverqi stagnation. Professor TONG Xiao-lin aimed at combined attack of three diseases. He concerned thatqi stagnation of liver is the key reason and the therapeutic principle of "treatingqi depression with dispersion and treating deficiency with tonification" has been put forward, which can be used to instruct the clinical application.



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