首页> 中文期刊>农业灾害研究 >近50年青海海南地区雷暴气候特征及其变化分析




U sing the thunderstorm data of 5 m eteorological stations in H ainan Prefecture of Q inghai Province during 1961-2010,and the statisticalm ethods of the rate of tendency, absolute rate of change and M -K test, the tem poral and spatial distribution characteristics, the trend of clim ate change and abrupt tim e of the thunderstorm w ere analyzed. T he results show ed that the total trend of thunderstorm had been decreasing in the H ainan prefecture ofQ inghaiProvince in the recent 50 years, at a rate of 2.7 day every 10 years to reduce;but there exist-ed differences in som e areas, w hen the thunderstorm in som e areas occured least,the decrease trend w as m ore obvi-ous there,how ever,itw as notobvious in the frequently thunderstorm activity. T he beginning day of thunderstorm w as de-layed, the last day of thunderstorm w as significantly ahead of norm al condition. T he period of annual thunderstorm w as shortened significantly,the days of annu-al thunderstorm show ed an abrupt change from m ore to less in 2000.%利用青海省海南地区5个气象台站1961—2010年雷暴资料,采用倾向率、绝对变率和MK检验等统计方法分析了雷暴变化趋势和突变时间。结果表明,近50年来青海海南地区雷暴总体呈极显著减少趋势,每10年减少2.7 d,但各地变化特征不一致。年雷暴日数少的地区雷暴日数的减少趋势明显,而雷暴日数多的地区减少趋势不显著。雷暴的初日有推后的趋势,雷暴终日呈显著提前趋势;雷暴期呈显著缩短趋势,年雷暴日数在2000年发生了由多到少的突变。



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