首页> 中文期刊> 《国际医药卫生导报》 >语言交流干预对学龄前患儿静脉输液过程恐惧及穿刺成功率的影响



Objective To research the influence of intervening verbal communication to preschoolage patients' fear and impressions of their venepuncture success rates.Methods We divided 1000 preschoolage patients who needed intravenous infusion into two groups (classified as "odd" and "even"),500 cases for each group.The odd group was regarded as the control group.They were exposed to a normal communicative environment.The even group,served as an intervention group,adopting more flexible and personalized verbal communication methods.We compared the fear levels,the compliance factors and the success rate of venepuncture between these two groups.Results The overall level of fear of the intervention group was lower than that of the control group,but significantly higher in terms of the compliance and the success rate of the venepuncture (P < 0.01).Conclusion Flexible and personalized verbal communication can reduce preschoolage patients' fear over venepuncture testing during the process of intravenous infusion.Therefore,because they result in a healthy state of mind,they can accept and cope with further hospital treatment.Thus,this vastly improves the overall venepuncture success rate and ultimately increases the patients' personal satisfaction with their nursing services.%目的 探讨语言交流干预对学龄前患儿静脉输液过程恐惧及穿刺成功率的影响.方法 将1000例静脉输液的学龄前患儿按奇偶数分成两组,每组各500例.奇数组设为对照组采用一般交流方式,偶数组设为干预组采用灵活的个性化语言交流方式,比较两组患儿静脉输液过程的恐惧程度、依从性以及静脉穿刺成功率.结果 干预组Ⅰ级恐惧362例(72.4%),Ⅱ级恐惧107例(21.4%),Ⅲ级恐惧31例(6.2%);对照组Ⅰ级恐惧196例(39.2%),Ⅱ级恐惧172例(34.4%),Ⅲ级恐惧132例(26.4%),两组恐惧程度比较,Z=-3.26.干预组依从性好453例(90.6%),依从性差47例(9.4%);对照组依从性好339例(67.8%),依从性差161例(32.2%),两组依从性比较,x2=78.00.干预组一次穿刺成功489例(97.8%);对照组一次穿刺成功452例(90.4%),两组静脉一次穿刺成功率比较,x2=24.00,差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论 灵活的个性化语言交流干预能降低学龄前患儿对静脉输液过程的恐惧心理,使其以良好的心态接受和配合治疗,明显提高静脉穿刺成功率,同时提高护理服务满意度.



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