首页> 中文期刊>国际医药卫生导报 >云浮市农村育龄妇女梅毒感染情况调查及控制母婴垂直传播



Objective To investigate the syphilis infection in women of childbearing age for formulating the scientific basis that could take precautions against vertical transmission.Methods 1062 women from the People's Hospital of Yuncheng district and Qianguan health center of Yunan from June 2011 to May 2012 were made a syphilis measurement with 3 ml blood serum as well as a survey.The positive serum screened by the method of colloidal gold were sent to Yunfu city.Chronic disease prevention and control center laboratory for the tests called Toluidine Red Untreated Serum Test (TRUST) as well as Treponema Pallidum Particle Assay (TPPA).Those women which were positive by TRUST and TPPA were made a definite diagnosis on syphilis infection when they were given a comprehensive analysis by clinical data and epidemiology.So we could do intervention treatment on the infectious women.Results The syphilis infection rate of childbearing age women among 1062 cases was 0.66% and the successful blocking vertical transmission was 3 cases.Conclusion The syphilis infection condition of rural woman of childbearing age in Yunfu city was more severe,we should increase the knowledge of syphilis prevention education.In early pregnancy women syphilis screening and intervention are in favor of vertical transmission of syphilis control and reducing syphilis infection.%目的 了解云浮市农村育龄妇女梅毒感染状况,为制定控制梅毒母婴垂直传播的预防措施提供科学依据.方法 2011年6月至2012年5月以云浮市云城区人民医院和郁南县千官卫生院就诊的1062例育龄妇女为调查对象,进行问卷调查同时抽取静脉血3 ml;用胶体金方法筛查血清梅毒,将初筛阳性的血清送云浮市慢性病防治中心实验室做甲苯胺红不加热血清定量(TRUST)和梅毒螺旋体明胶凝集实验(TPPA),两项试验阳性的结合临床资料和流行病学综合诊断为梅毒感染,对梅毒感染孕妇进行干预治疗.结果 1062例育龄妇女梅毒感染率为0.66%,成功阻断母婴垂直传播3例.结论 云浮市农村育龄妇女梅毒感染情况较为严峻,应继续加大对梅毒防治知识的宣传教育力度;在妇女早孕期进行梅毒筛查和干预有利于控制梅毒垂直传播,降低梅毒感染率.



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