首页> 中文期刊>国际医药卫生导报 >前瞻性护理质量管理对重症医学科护理质量指标的影响



Objective To explore the influence of prospective nursing quality management on the indicators of intensive medicine nursing quality.Methods 446 patients hospitalized into the ward of intensive medicine at our hospital from January,2014 to December,2015 were selected and randomly divided into a control group and an observation group,223 for each group.The control group were cared using traditional nursing care quality management mode and the observation group prospective nursing quality management mode.Theindicators of nursing quality were compared between these two groups.Results The incidences of high-risk drug extravasation,unexpected extubation,skin lesions in patients with incontinence,transfusion reaction,and ventilator associated pneumonia were significantly lower in the observation group than in the control group,with statistical differences (P<0.05).Conclusions Applying prospective nursing quality management in ICU can decrease the incidences of adverse events,improve nursing quality,and guarantee the nursing safety of critically ill patients,so it is worth being clinically generalized.%目的 探讨在重症医学科护理中采用前瞻性护理质量管理模式对护理质量指标的影响.方法 选取2014年1月至2015年12月间在本院重症医学科病房住院的446例患者随机分成对照组和观察组,其中223例对照组患者采用传统护理质量管理模式,223例观察组患者采用前瞻性护理质量管理模式,分别对两种模式下的护理质量指标进行比较.结果观察组高危药物外渗发生率、非计划拔管发生率、失禁病人皮肤损伤发生率、输血反应发生率、呼吸机相关性肺炎发生率以及患者口腔清洁不合格率等指标均低于对照组,两组间比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 在重症医学科护理质量管理中采用前瞻性护理质量管理模式,可最大限度的减少不良事件发生,促进护理质量不断改进,从而保证危重患者的护理安全,提高护理质量,值得在临床中推广应用.



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