首页> 中文期刊>湖北农业科学 >贵州黔东南原生态民族文化旅游开发战略与对策建议




Culture is the soul of tourism development in Ethnic area. Cultural tourism is of great importance to economic de-vement in ethnic minority area. The development of cultural tourism is not only the requriement of characteristics tourism, but also strong measurements of economic devement. The original culture eco-tourism should be the driection of tourism development in southeast area of Guizhou province. With the advantage and opportunity, great-leap-forward development could be achieved by developing original culture tourism. Three strategies, sustainable development strategy, original eco—tourism development strategy and development of inbound tourism strategy as well as two development models, eco-tourism model and e-co-towns development model were put forward for construction of competitive original culture eco-tourism so that the tourism image of southeast Guizhou be improved as an attractive original culture eco—tourism destination for tourist all over the world.%民族文化是民族地区发展旅游业的灵魂.民族文化旅游是我国少数民族地区发展经济的重要组成部分,发展民族文化旅游是中国特色旅游的要求,也是边远少数民族地区积极发展经济的强有力措施.黔东南地区发展旅游应以原生态民族文化为导向,凭借优势抓住机遇大力发展原生态民族文化旅游,努力实现经济跨越式发展.在开发原生态旅游方面提出了可持续发展战略、原生态旅游发展战略、发展入境旅游战略等三个战略,着力建设两个发展模式:自然生态旅游模式和生态城镇发展模式,以打造黔东南原生态民族文化旅游精品,提升黔东南旅游形象,让黔东南成为对国内外游客有强大吸引力的原生态民族文化旅游目的地.



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