首页> 中文期刊>华中建筑 >从洞山佛教遗迹看明末清初的禅宗复兴与反清复明运动




In April 2010, by the invitotion of Architect Deng Kunyan from Taiwan, I had the honor to accompany Professor Fang Yong from the Graduate Centre of Architecture of Peking University and the teachers and students from Taiwan University to come to Zen temple of Dongshan,birthplace of Caodong Zong to experience Zen culture, we found hundreds of remains of stone pagodas around Dongshan. time distribution of stone pagodas have necessarily related with the change of Zen history. After the Late Ming Dynasty the rapid incrase of the quantity of stone pagodas indicated the resurgence of Buddhism in this period The clues of age and characterization of pagodas indistincl reveal the interaction relations between the Zen revival and anti-Qing movement for restoration of Ming. In this paper, through the study of architecture, historical exploration and multi-validation, the author tries to reveal the causes of the orchitecture phenomenon and the historical myth hidden behind it%2010年4月,应台湾建筑师登琨艳先生之邀,笔者有幸随导师北京大学建筑学研究中心方拥教授与台湾大学的老师和同学们一起来到曹洞宗的祖庭洞山禅寺体验禅宗文化.通过实地考察,我们在洞山周围发现了上百座石墓塔等遗迹.这些石墓塔的年代分布和禅宗的兴衰历史必然相关.明末以后,石墓塔数量的激增预示着这一时期禅宗的复兴.而石墓塔上的年号表征更是隐隐约约的透露出明末清初的禅宗复兴和反清复明运动之间的相互作用关系.该文从建筑考察发现入手,探寻历史、多方验证,试图揭开隐藏在建筑现象背后的历史谜题.



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