首页> 中文期刊>黄钟-武汉音乐学院学报 >楚王酓章钟“商商穆”试解




There were two Yanzhang Bells of king of Chu found in Anlu, Hubei area in Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127), and their chronicle of inscriptions were same with those on Yanzhang Bo of king of Chu unearthed from the tomb of Marquis Yi of Zeng in the early Warring States period found in Suizhou, Hubei area in 1978, one of them inscribed three Chinese characters“Shang Shang Mu”on both of positive and profile sides of the bell. The Yanzhang Bells of king of Chu should be decorated with decorative pattern on positive side but without buttons, their shapes were the same as the bells with button unearthed from the first Chu tomb of Tian Xing Guan in Jianglin, Hubei area. Two characters of“Shang”should be repeated inscribed, both characters of“Shang”and“Mu”was the scale name, which probably was minor third interval relations.“Mu”was equivalent to the traditional scale name of Qingjiao, its meaning could be explain each other with“He”, and both of them belongs to the fourth in new of diatonic scale.%北宋时在湖北安陆发现的两件楚王酓章钟,纪事铭文与1978年湖北随州战国早期曾侯乙墓所出楚王酓章镈相同,其中一件钟的正、侧鼓刻铭“商商穆”三字。楚王酓章钟应为正鼓饰有花纹,但其上光素的无枚钮钟,形制与湖北江陵天星观1号楚墓所出钮钟相同。两个“商”字应为重复刻写,“商”、“穆”同为阶名,二者可能为小三度音程关系。“穆”相当于传统阶名的清角,其义与“和”可以互训,都属于七声新音阶的第四级音。



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