首页> 中文期刊>解放军医院管理杂志 >谈基于国际视角下的我国医联体发展




International experience has showed that the medical association was a good development mode to integrate the medical resources, guarantee the community hospital and general practitioner to act as “health gatekeeper”,change the serious shortage of medical resources in the basic institutions , and release the burden of patientsfor large hospital.In China, the keys to develop the medical association are the GPs'training; make the visitof the doctor start from the practitioner community, and perfect two -way referral system, information system constructionand the construction of payment system of medical insurance .In this paper, the different types of nationalmedical models were analyzed and the corresponding suggestion were put forward on the construction and develop -ment of Chinese Medical Association.%国际经验表明,发展医疗联合体,合理整合医疗资源,充分发挥社区医院和全科医师的“健康守门人”作用,对于改变基层医疗资源利用严重不足、大医院人满为患的倒金字塔结构有很大作用。全科医师的培养、社区首诊和双向转诊制度的完善、信息系统的建设及医保支付制度的完善等,是我国医联体发展要解决的问题。本文在研究不同类型国家医疗模式基础上,对我国医疗联合体的建设与发展提出相应的建议。



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