首页> 中文期刊> 《解放军医院管理杂志》 >军队中小型医院图书馆发展探讨




Objective To discuss the redevelopment of small -middle scaled military hospital libraries af-ter the grade reviewing.Methods The current situations and the problems existed in libraries of small -middle scaled military hospitals were summed up and analyzed.Sustainable development measures were studied.Results Although the development of the libraries of military hospitals has reached a new level, many problems still exist in the full use of varieties of professional journals and papers and further information service.Conclusion The im-provement of their inner environments, the rise of the capabilities of the books they keep and the information service for the librarians are brought forward to further multiple substantial development in information service.%目的:探讨等级评审后军队中小型医院图书馆的再发展。方法总结分析等级评审后军队中小型医院图书馆的发展现状和存在问题,研究持续发展的措施。结果等级评审后军队中小型医院图书馆的发展迈上了一个新台阶,仍存在书刊得不到有效利用、深层次情报服务欠缺的问题。结论改善内部环境、优化馆藏、提高馆员信息服务能力、多途径开展深层次情报服务是军队中小型医院图书馆持续发展举措。



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