首页> 中文期刊> 《安徽史学》 >对日媾和与美菲同盟条约的缔结




冷战之初,面对中国内战局势的变化和美国改变对日政策可能导致的日本重新军国主义化威胁,菲律宾将确保国家安全的希望寄托于美国,积极寻求与之订立“太平洋公约”,但该构想不符合当时美国的战略考虑,屡遭拒绝。朝鲜战争的爆发,促使美国加快对日媾和。由于媾和方案在安全和赔偿方面未能满足菲律宾等国需求,遭到反对。为平息盟国不满,美国改变对“太平洋公约”的态度并提出自己的方案,但该方案将日本包括其中,被菲否定。经过博弈,在美国提供正式安全保证的前提下,菲律宾最终接受了媾和方案。%At the beginning of the Cold War, facing the changes of situation in the Chinese Civil War and America’ s poli-cy toward Japan, which may lead to Japanese militarism, the Philippines ensured the national security’ s hope on the United States, and actively seek to conclude “the Pacific Pact”. The idea didn’ t conform to the strategic thinking in the United States, which has been refused. The outbreak of the Korean War prompted America to speed up to make peace with Japan. It was disapproved because of the peacemaking plan in terms of safety and compensation failing to meet the demands of the Phil-ippines and other countries. To appease the allies, the United States changed the attitude of “the Pacific Pact” and put for-ward its own program including Japan, which was denied by the Philippines. By the game, the Philippines accepted the peacemaking plan on the premise of providing the formal security assurance in the United States.



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