首页> 中文期刊>黑龙江医药 >一种同时具有杀伤功能和抗原递呈功能的新型细胞亚群IKDC




In recent years, a new type of cells can produce IFN-gamma and has a killer feature have been found in mice and called as interferon-producing killer dendritic cells(IKDC cells). Phenotypically,IKDC co-express surface markers of NK cells and DCs. Functionally, these cells can kill target cells in a TRAIL dependent way, and then can present antigen both via the MHC-I and-II routes from killed cells. Up to now,the cell lineage origin of IKDCs is in controversy. but due to their dual function of Cytotox-icity and Antigen crosspresentation. IKDCs are seen as the"bridge"of the natural immune response and adaptability of antitumor im-mune response and important effector cells in immune surveillance.%近年来在小鼠体内发现了一群能产生IFN-γ并具有杀伤功能的新型细胞群(Interferon-producing killer DC, IKDC),同时表达NK细胞和DC细胞的标志性分子,在功能上,能以TRAIL依赖的方式杀伤靶细胞,并能交叉递呈抗原。目前对IKDC这群细胞的谱系来源还存在争论,但由于其拥有细胞毒作用和抗原递呈这双重功能,所以被视为连接抗肿瘤的天然免疫应答和适应性免疫应答的“桥梁”和免疫监视的重要效应细胞。



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