首页> 中文期刊> 《黑龙江农业科学》 >精量穴播对玉米生长发育及经济效益的影响




为了促进精量穴播技术的推广应用,以先玉335为材料,通过精量穴播与常规播种对比试验,对玉米生长状况进行监测和调查,分析精量穴播对玉米植株形态、光合作用、农艺性状、产量及经济效益的影响.结果表明:精量穴播更有利于植株个体、群体发育,抗逆性强.和常规播种相比,精量穴播用种量减少2.5 kg·hm.-2,节省种子成本62.5元·hm.-2、播种成本90元·hm.-2、间苗成本240元·hm.-2,增产699 kg·hm.-2,产值增加978.6元·hm.-2,净收益增加1 371.1元·hm.-2,增幅26.71%.%In order to promote popularization and application of precision sowing technology,taking Xianyu335 as material,through the compared experiment of precision sowing and conventional sowing,maize growth states were monitored and investigated.The effect of precision sowing on plant morphology,photosynthesis,agronomic traits,yield and economic benefit of maize were analyzed.The results showed that pricision sowing was more conductive to the indivdual and group′s growth of maize,enhanced maize′s resistence.Comparing with conventional sowing,precision sowing reduced seed quantity was 2.5 kg·hm.-2 and saved seed cost,sowing cost and thinning cost were 62.5 yuan·hm.-2,90 yuan·hm.-2 and 240 yuan·hm.-2,respectively.Precision sowing made maize yield increase by 699 kg·hm.-2,output value increase by 978.6 yuan·hm.-2 and net income increase by 1 371.1 yuan·hm.-2 which increased 26.71%.



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