首页> 中文期刊> 《海南医学》 >3749例产妇剖宫产指征的初步分析




目的 探讨2008年剖宫产指征及其变化,为降低剖宫产率提出切实可行的干预措施.方法 选择2008年在我院住院分娩且有完整记录的产妇2 881例,对其分娩资料进行回顾性的分析,并与1998年868例产妇的分娩资料进行比较,分析两组剖宫产指征及其的变化.结果 2008年组产妇剖宫产率明显降低(P<0.005).1998年组剖宫产指征前3位的是社会因素、胎儿窘迫、巨大儿,2008年组第三位被前次剖宫产替代.社会因素、前次剖宫产、过期妊娠为指征的剖宫产比例明显增加(P<0.005);巨大儿、相对性头盆不称为指征的剖宫产比例明显减少(P<0.005).结论 社会因素是剖宫产主要原因,控制社会因素是降低剖宫产率的主要干预措施.%Objective To explore indications of cesarean section in order to search for the countermeasure to reduce the higher cesarean section rates. Methods 2881 cases pregnant women with cesarean sections in 2008 and 868 cases in 1998 were analyzed retrospectively. Results The cesarean section rate in 2008 was 42.57%, which was lower than the rate in 1998. The first three factors in 1998 were social factors, fetus intrauterine distress, macrosoma,the third factor in 2008 was instead of cicatricial uterus. And in 2008, social factors, cicatricial uterus, prolonged pregancy were markerly high (P<0.005), macrosoma, relativity trough unequaly were markerly low (P<0.005). Conclusion The key to reduce the rate of cesarean section is to control indication of the cesarean sections in social factors.



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