首页> 中文期刊> 《海南医学》 >实时超声弹性成像诊断前列腺癌的研究进展




实时组织弹性成像技术是在传统超声成像基础上进一步获取感兴区组织弹性信息的一种新型成像技术,通过组织弹性模量值的测量反映组织的软硬程度,从而推断病变性质。实时超声弹性成像能够更加客观、清晰、准确的定位病灶并鉴别其良恶性性质,现临床上已广泛应用于乳腺、甲状腺等浅表脏器诊断与鉴别诊断。由于前列腺与体表间存在一定距离,导致临床上实时超声弹性成像技术诊断前列腺癌研究报道尚不多。本文概述了前列腺癌诊断方法,超声弹性成像技术原理、发展及其在前列腺癌诊断中的研究现状和进展,并对超声弹性成像诊断价值进行总结。%Real-time ultrasound elastography (RTE) is a new type of imaging technology that can obtain the elasticity information of ROI (region of interest) tissue on the basis of the traditional ultrasonic imaging. RTE can reflect the hardness of the organization and infer the pathological nature by acquiring the elastic modulus difference within the tissue directly or indirectly. Compared to other imaging technology, RTE can not only locate lesions more objectively, clearly and accurately, but also identify the benign and malignant nature. Therefore, RTE has been widely used in clini-cal diagnosis and differential diagnosis of mammary glands, thyroid glands and other superficial organs. Otherwise, on account of the certain distances between the prostate and body surface, there are few clinical reports about diagnosing of prostate cancer by RTE. This article aims to summarize the diagnosis methods of the prostate cancer, the principle and development of RTE technology, the research status and progress in the diagnosis of prostate cancer, and to summarize the diagnostic value of RTE technology.



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