首页> 中文期刊> 《贵州林业科技》 >贵州高速公路边坡恢复植物群落特征分析




本文选择贵阳市环城高速公路南环线、清黄高速公路及其厦蓉高速公路贵州路段边坡的11个人工生态修复群落进行样地调查,从植物群落的丰富度、多样性指数、优势度指数、均匀度指数、重要值和生长效果等方面来分析恢复群落的特征,结果表明:采用不同生态修复(喷播)技术及不同边坡类型上恢复的植物群落的丰富度、物种多样性指数、优势度指数和均匀度指数存在一定差异;不同边坡恢复群落的种类组成及生长效果也存在差异,恢复群落的植物种类组成主要以刺槐Robinia pseudoacacia、多花木兰Magnolia muhiflora、双荚决明Cas5ia bicapsularis、车桑子Dodonaea viscosa、黑麦草Lolium perenne等植物为代表,其在群落中形成一定的优势。%11 artificial ecological restored community on freeway side slopes of Guizhou were investi- gated, and their richness index, diversity index, dominance index, evenness index, important value and growth performance were analyzed. The results showed that there is certain difference among different eco- logical restoration technologies and different types of slope in the community richness, diversity index, domi- nance index, and evenness index; there is also difference between different slopes in the community species composition and the growth porformance; the restored community is mainly composed of Robinia pseudoa- carla, Magnolia multiflora, Cassia bicapsularis, Dodonaea viscosca Enum., and Lolium perenne, which show obvious advantages in the community.



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