首页> 中文期刊> 《广西植物》 >不同生境鱼腥草形态特征及主要有效成分含量差异分析




以不同生境中的鱼腥草为研究对象,分析其形态特征及主要有效成分含量的差异。该文测定了不同生境下主要环境因子指标及鱼腥草的叶长、叶宽、株高、基径、生物量和含水量,用高效液相色谱法测定其各部分主要有效成分金丝桃苷、槲皮苷含量,并对测量结果进行单因素方差分析和相关性分析。结果表明:环境因子会对鱼腥草的形态建成及有效成分积累造成不同影响,适宜的光照强度有利于鱼腥草对有效成分的累积;鱼腥草中有效成分的含量表现出叶>茎>根的规律。适宜的遮阴处理,既可避免强光照对鱼腥草生长的抑制,又可显著提高有效成分的含量,从而整体增加对鱼腥草有效成分的收益。%The influence of different habitats on the germ plasms of Houttuynia cordata ,morphological characteristics and effective composition contents of H .cordata in different habitats were compared.The main environmental factor indexes under different habitats and leaf length,leaf width,individual height,stem base diameter,biomass,water con-tent were measured.And the effective composition contents were determined by HPLC.The results were analyzed by one-way ANOVA statistical analysis and correlation analysis.The results showed that environmental factors had sig-nificant effects on morphological characteristics and effective composition contents of H .cordata in different habitats, the optimum light intensity would promote the accumulation of effective composition.The effect sequence of effective component in various parts of the H .cordata was leaf>stem>root.Proper shade could avoid the strong light that restrains the growth.It also significantly increased the content of effective components.The results would give some advice to increase the quality of the H .cordata .



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