首页> 中文期刊> 《科教导刊》 >以实际行动体现党员的先进性




The communist party members' advanced nature is mainly reflected in its to quality, behavior and the ability to effectively combine, and in the work of a high performance ability, in the other party member presence is model leading role. As a party member, is to use their own action embody the advanced nature of party members, with the correct moral thought to do the right thing, with their own professional ethics perfect the communist party member the demand of The Times. In the new era, only the nature of his work well, innovative work mode, in his own field made outstanding contribution, you can set an example embody the advanced nature of party members.%共产党员的先进性主要体现在能够将自身的品质、行为和能力有效地结合,进而在工作之中表现出较高的能力,在其他党员面前有模范带头作用。作为一名党员,就是要用自己的行动体现党员的先进性,用端正的道德思想做正确的事情,用自己的职业道德完善共产党员的时代要求。在新时期下,只有将自己的本职工作做好,不断创新工作模式,在自己的领域上做出突出贡献,就能以身作则体现党员的先进性。



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