首页> 中文期刊>科教导刊 >中国古代文学课程教学方法探讨--以商洛学院为例




Ancient Chinese literature is a compulsory and foundation course of college Chinese Department, ancient Chinese literature is the most attractive part of traditional Chinese culture , but at this stage of ancient Chinese literature teaching situation is not satisfactory. This paper describes the key role of Chinese Ancient Literature Course importance of teachers in Chinese Ancient Literature Course plays as well as specific Chinese Ancient Literature Teaching. The use of guided discovery approach, situational approach, speech debate tactics, teaching methods and other research teaching method can improve the teaching level of Chinese ancient literature courses, can also increase students' interest in Chin-ese Ancient Literature Course.%中国古代文学是高校中文系的一门必修、基础课程,中国古代文学是中国传统文化最具魅力的一个组成部分,但是现阶段中国古代文学的教学现状却不尽如人意。本文主要介绍了中国古代文学课程的重要性、教师在中国古代文学课程中起的关键作用以及具体的中国古代文学课程教学方法。发现运用引导式教学法、情境教学法、演讲辩论法、研究性教学法等多种教学法,可以提高中国古代文学课程教学水平,也可以增加学生对中国古代文学课程的兴趣。



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