首页> 中文期刊>广州化工 >全员参与,提高高校化学类班级主题班会的实效性




主题班会是辅导员向学生进行思想政治教育的一种有效形式和重要阵地,是一种心灵教育。为提高高校化学类班级主题班会的实效性,本文从主持人轮流做、全员参与、辅导员做好指导、活动形式创新、互相观摩班会、组织主题班会大赛等六个方面论述,与时俱进,使之永葆生机与活力,更好地发挥其教育作用。%Theme class meeting is an important form of class education and management to students for counselors, and it is a kind of spiritual education. To improve the effectiveness of the theme class meeting of chemical classes in colleges and universities, the six respects of theme class meeting were studied, it was mainly listed below:the host should be taken turns to do, full participation counselors must play an important leading role in the theme class meeting, activities in the form of innovation, watch each other and organizing the theme class meeting competition. To catch up with the times, it must retain forever the vitality and dynamism and play its role effectively.



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