首页> 中文期刊> 《光明中医》 >“一气周流”理论与支气管哮喘的证治体会




Combined with “vitality loop body” theory of Huang Yuanyu and traditional Chinese medicine on knowledge of bronchial asthma and clinical experience in the treatment of bronchial asthma , etiology and pathogenesis and treatment based on syndrome differentiation was overviewed .The bronchial asthma is mainly related to lung , spleen and kidney proposed .The ascending lung qi is pathogenesis .In clinical treatment, according to principle of “three categories of etiologic factors”, ascending from left-side or descending from right-side or middle jiao transportation or reinforcing or reducing , the purpose is to recover body qi of ascending from left-side or descending from right-side and middle jiao transportation , which made normal qi be dispersive and descending , healthy qi expelling pathogen and harmony between yin and yang.%结合黄元御“一气周流”理论、传统中医学对支气管哮喘的认识及我科临床的证治体会,对支气管哮喘病因病机、辨证论治进行概述,提出支气管哮喘主要与肺、脾、肾相关,病机是肺气不降而上逆。在临床治疗时,当根据病人“三因制宜”原则,或重左路升发、或重右路敛降、或健运中州、或补或泻,目的是恢复一身之气左升右降、中焦斡旋的正常运行模式,使正常之气得以宣发肃降,正胜邪退,阴阳调和。



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