首页> 中文期刊> 《广东电力》 >架空输电线路巡检机器人自动上下线装置




实现架空输电线路机器人全过程全自主巡检,需要解决机器人自动上下线问题.基于人工辅助上下线方法存在人身安全、工作效率低等问题,探讨几种可行的输电线路巡检机器人自动上下线方法,在此基础上设计研发了一套基于塔身铺设轨道的实用化的机器人自动上下线装置.介绍了该自动上下线装置的工作原理和结构,并对上下线装置的关键技术进行阐述.将该自动上下线装置应用于某500 kV运行线路的机器人巡检试验,试验结果表明该装置能实现机器人自动上、下杆塔地线,具有智能程度高、自主性强、安全性高等优点.%To realize whole process and full autonomous inspection by the overhead transmission line robot, it is required to solve the problem of the robot automatic installing/uninstalling on the ground wire. There are problems such as personal safety and low working efficiency in the manual installing/uninstalling way, thus this paper discusses several feasible automatic installing/uninstalling ways for the transmission line inspection robot and then designs a set of practical automatic installing/uninstalling device based on the tower laying track. It introduces working principle and structure of this device and states key techniques. This automatic installing/uninstalling device was applied in an inspection test on one 500 kV transmission line. Results indicate that the device can realize automatic installing/uninstalling of the inspection robot along the tower ground wire and has advantages of high intelligent degree, strong autonomy and high safety.



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