首页> 中文期刊> 《草原与草坪》 >新疆兵团九师退化天然草地补播改良效果分析




Selecting the degraded rangeland in Xinjiang Corps,the paper conducted a mixed reseeding trial with leguminosae and gramineous forages for two years.The results showed that the emergence rate was over 85% and all forages could survive through the winter in the first year,the regreening rate was over 80% in the second year.The hay yield of reseeding treatments in mountain meadow(forb+Dactylis glomerata type),tem-perate steppe(Stipa capillata +Festuca ovina type),temperate steppe(Festuca ovina +Artemisia frigida )sig-nificantly increased by 1 14%,125%,109%,respectively,compare to CK.The proportion of Gramineae and Le-guminosae increased obviously and the grassland community structure trended to rationalization.All the plant community height,coverage,density of trial plots significantly higher than the CK.The effect of reseeding in mountain meadow was obvious,the plant community height,coverage,density increased by 34 cm,40.8%,265 plant/m2 .Legumionosae and Gramineae forage showed the different adaptation for reseeding in different grass-land type.Improvement effect of Legumionosae forage were superior to Gramineae forage in mountain meadow area,but that was opposite in temperate steppe.%在新疆兵团九师不同类型退化天然草地典型区域,选择豆科、禾本科牧草混播开展补播试验2年,结果表明:补播当年各播入种出苗率均达85%以上,且都能安全越冬;第2年各牧草返青达80%以上,山地草甸类杂类草+鸭茅(Dactylis glomerata )型、温性草原类针茅(Stipa capillata )+羊茅(Fes-tuca ovina )型和温性草原类羊茅+冷蒿(Artemisia frigida )型草地干草产量分别比对照(未补播)显著(P <0.01)提高了114%,125%和109%;豆、禾牧草比例明显增加,草群结构趋于合理;各草地群落高度、盖度、密度都显著(P <0.01)高于对照,山地草甸区补播效果最明显,分别增加了34 cm,40.8%和265株/m2;豆、禾牧草对不同草地类型区域适应性不同,山地草甸区豆科牧草补播改良效果优于禾本科,温性草原区二者表现刚好相反。



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