首页> 中文期刊> 《粮食储藏》 >北疆地区高大平房仓内环流控温保水通风技术试验




针对夏季北疆地区高大平房仓中下层粮温在-10℃以下,仓温和表层粮温较高并伴随水分减量和害虫孳生等问题,进行了内环流控温保水实验.通过在改造仓房隔热保冷及密闭性能的高大平房仓内安装内环流设施,利用秋冬季节通风降低粮温、春夏季节全仓密闭,按设定温度启动内环流装置均衡粮温.实验结果表明:夏季最高仓温为22.9℃,表层粮温最高为13.9℃;粮食基本无虫,控温保水效果明显,经济效益显著,值得在北疆地区推广使用.%In northern Xinjiang,middle and lower layers temperature of granary is below-10℃ in the large warehouse in summer,but granary temperature and surface-layer temperature of grain will increase,and followed with the moisture decrease and pest breeding.Experiment on temperature control and water retention of internal loop had been conducted by transforming the heat insulation and airtightness of granary and installing internal loop facility in the large warehouse,use aeration-cooling in autumn and winter,full granary airtight in spring and summer,start the internal loop facility automatically to balance grain temperature according to the setting temperature.Experimental results show that the highest granary temperature is 22.9℃ in summer,the highest surface-layer temperature is 13.9℃,grain almost no worms,obviously improved in temperature control and water retention,the economic benefit are remarkable,and worth to popularize in northern Xinjiang.



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