首页> 中文期刊> 《测绘与空间地理信息》 >基于 RS/GIS 的耕地资源变化特征分析

基于 RS/GIS 的耕地资源变化特征分析



以黑龙江省嫩江县为研究区,综合运用RS/GIS手段,分析1984~2011年近30年研究区耕地资源在数量和空间上的变化特征,结果表明:研究区耕地利用数量发生了一定变化,总体上耕地面积减少,主要转向林地、建设用地以及草地;耕地资源在空间变化上具有一定的特征,表现为南部变化较大,中部和西部变化居中,北部和东部变化最小;各乡镇耕地相对变化率的总体差异不大,相对比较均衡。研究成果可以为研究区耕地保护提供一定的参考。%This paper takes the Nenjiang county of Heilongjiang province as the study area , uses RS/GIS methods synthetically , ana-lyzes changing characteristics of cultivated land resources in quantity and space in the study area nearly 30 years (1984~2011), the results showed that some changes in cultivated land use quantity have taken place in the study area , on the whole , cultivated land de-crease, mainly turns to forest land , construction land and grassland;Cultivated land resource has certain characteristics on dimension-al change , characterized by large changes in southern , central and western changes in the middle and the north and east minimal change;The difference of relative change rate of cultivated land in villages and towns is little , and relatively balanced .The research results can provide some reference for cultivated land protection in the study area .



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