首页> 中文期刊> 《地质论评》 >中国4.0 ka BP前后气候的空间分布特征及其对史前文明变迁的影响

中国4.0 ka BP前后气候的空间分布特征及其对史前文明变迁的影响



110 paleoclimate and paleoenvironment records from 84 locations of China were employed to discuss the spatial characteristics of climate around 4. 0 ka BP and its possible impacts on the transformation and collapse of Neolithic culture of China ( CNCC). The results indicate that cold climate characterized by temperature decline prevailed for most regions of China and the humidity exhibit some diversity. Dry and fairly drier conditions occurred in north and northwest arid regions, and most places of southwestern and eastern monsoonal regions. A few records form central Loess Plateau and lower Yangtze River regions show some extent humidity increase characterized by flood events. Briefly, the spatial characteristics of climate in China around 4. 0 ka BP show evident discrepancies with the notion that is described as " dry in the north and humid in the south". Humidity increases and accelerated soil erosion in some places around 4. 0 ka BP possibly due to the amplified seasonal deviations of monsoon precipitations resulting from high El Nino-Southern Oscillation ( ENSO) variability. Recession and collapse of Neolithic cultures in northern, central and eastern China are coevally with the climate transformations around 4. 0 ka BP, implying the climate served as the major driving forcing in pre-historical culture evolution.%本文收集整理了中国不同气候区84个地点110条4.0 ka BP前后的古气候、古环境记录,以讨论该时段前后气候的空间分布特征及其对史前文明变迁的影响.结果表明,4.0 ka BP前后中国绝大部分地区气候以降温为主.从湿度变化上看,北部、西北部的干旱区以及东部季风区的大部分地区气候为干或偏干状况,仅有少数记录,如长江下游、黄土高原中部偏南地区为“洪水”频发表征的湿度增加.总体上看,4.0 ka BP前后,中国气候似乎并未呈现“南湿润北干旱”的空间分布特征,部分地区出现的湿度增加或土壤侵蚀加剧情况,或与4.0 ka BP前后厄尔尼诺—南方涛动(ENSO)变化引起季风降水的季节性分布差异加大有关.同时,中国北部、中原以及长江中下游地区新石器文明在该时段的普遍衰退,则表明气候、环境变化是4.0 ka BP前后史前文明变迁的重要驱动力.



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