首页> 中文期刊> 《地球化学》 >攀西地区红格层状岩体的地球化学特征




The Hongge intrusion, which hosts super-large V-Ti magnetite deposits and shows PGE mineralization at the bottom of the peridotite-pyroxenite zone, is one of the most important mafic-ultramafic layered intrusions in the Panxi area. In this paper, major, trace and rare earth element contents in each zone of the intrusion are system atically analyzed. The results indicate that the contents of Fe, Ti are higher and those of Si and Mg are lower than other mafic-ultramafic rocks. There is an evolution trend of from Mg-rich to Fe-rich and Na-rich from perirndotite-pyroxenite zone to pyroxenite zone and to gabbro zone. Generally the Hongge layered intrusion shows rnREE-enrichment pattern with a characteristic of the ratio of La/Yb from 3.66 to 80.47 and averaging 18.24. But the degree of REE-enrichment varies in different zones. The differentiation extent of REE, LREE and HREE in creases from the peridotite-pyroxenite zone at the bottom to the pyroxenite zone in the middle and to gabbro zone in the upper of the intrusion with the ratio of La/Yb varying from 9.64 to 13.4 and to 42.61, La/Sm from 1.70 to 3.14 to 5.34, Gd/Yb from 5.32 to 4.86 to 8.34. Large ion lithophile elements shows enrichment pattern relative rnto prime mantle. The intrusion evidently shows Ti positive abnormality. The contents of Cr are 315μg/g, 253μg/rng and 148μg/g in the peridotite-pyroxenite zone, pyroxenite zone and gabbro zone, respectively, with a decrease from the bottom to the top of the intrusion. The contents of Ni and Cu are high in peridotite-pyroxenite and py roxenite zones and are evidently low in the gabbro zone, and the contents of Cr and Ni are directly in proportion to MgO. All the characteristics listed above are consistent with crystallization differentiation evolution and indicate that the Hongge intrusion is mainly formed by crystallization differentiation from one magma chamber. The rnPGE-enrichment layers and V-Ti magnetite layers are similar to other cumulus minerals, such as olivine, pyroxene and plagioclase formed by crystallization.%红格岩体赋存有大型钒钛磁铁矿床,在橄辉岩相带和辉石岩相带底部有铂族元素(PGE)的矿化,是攀西层状岩体中重要的岩体之一。系统分析了红格层状岩体不同岩相带的微量元素和稀土元素特征,探讨了岩浆的结晶分异演化过程,提出岩体主体上是由一个岩浆房经正常的结晶分异形成的,底层的硫化物富集带和中上层位的钒钛磁铁矿是岩浆结晶分异产生的堆积相,并非是岩浆多次脉动式补给的结果。



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