首页> 中文期刊> 《家具与室内装饰》 >谈“碎片式学习”方法在高职家具专业教学中的应用




随着新时期企业品牌化发展需要,市场对多元化、复合型的工作岗位提出了更高要求。高职院校的课程建设契合“碎片式学习”思潮,结合学生认知特点,精心设置“碎片单元”灵活组织教学,有机穿插理论与实践,重组知识点、技能点。让学生通过体验学习获取知识、提高岗位技能;同时,考虑到任务的多样性,采用小组成员分工合作的形式,将同步培养学生的优良职业素养。因此,“碎片式”学习体现了课堂教学组织形式的灵活性、学生的参与性及主体性。形散而神聚,素质技能并重地培养职业技能人才。%With the development of enterprise’s brand in the new era, the market has put forward higher requirements for the diversified and complex jobs. Curriculum construction of high vocational college use “fragmentary learning” idea, joint students’ perceiving characters, carefully set “fragmentary unit” so as to organizing class flexibly by organically interluding theory and practice together with recombining knowledge points and skill points. Thus students acquire knowledge and enhance station technics by experitential learning . What’s more, group’s teamwork can cultivate students’ well vocational attainment to meet tasks’ multiformity. Consequently, “fragmentary learning” embodys flexibility of class and subjectivity of students. With spirits getting together while shapes being loosely, transferring students’ enthusiasm fully, thus cultivate vocational student equally of both quality and skill.



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