首页> 中文期刊>复旦教育论坛 >我国大学规模经济与范围经济的地区差异




本文以教育部直属高校为例,研究了2004-2007年我国高校规模经济与范围经济的地区差异以及变化情况。实证结果发现,地区因素是影响到高校规模经济和范围经济的一个重要因素,西部地区的高校不但在教育资源的占有上存在劣势,而且在运行效率上也与东部地区的高校存在着明显的差距。因此,对于西部地区未来高等教育的发展,除了要进一步加强资源的投入外,更为重要的是要注重提高西部高校的运行效率。%The paper studies regional differences in economies of scale and economies of scope in Chinese higher education, using the data of universities directly administrated by the Ministry of Education from the year 2004 to 2007. Based on the empirical results, the paper contends that regional factor plays a key role in economies of scale and economies of scope in higher education. Universities in western China are not only lacking in education resources, but also suffering a low operating efficiency. Therefore, more resources should be invested in the western universities. More importantly, operating efficiency should be enhanced to develop higher education in western China.



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