首页> 中文期刊>复旦教育论坛 >对我国民办教育政府扶持体系建构路径的分析




建构政府扶持体系,推动各种扶持策略发挥最大扶持效果,是国家鼓励社会力量兴办教育,推动教育综合改革的重要举措之一。基于国际比较经验并以解决我国民办教育发展瓶颈问题为导向,民办教育政府扶持体系的建构应注重吸收国际先进理念,注重顶层设计,坚持发挥扶持体系的引领功能。在建构过程中,要坚持系统性建构,要健全民办教育政府扶持体系的各类要素;要坚持层次性推进,完善由基础性策略、支撑性策略以及补充性策略组成的民办教育政府扶持体系;要坚持开放性发展,不断促进民办教育扶持体系的自我更新,来解决民办教育发展中的适切问题等。%Establishing the government supporting system and promoting a variety of supportive strategies to play a significant role is one of the important measures taken by the Chinese government in a bid to encourage social forces to run education and promote the comprehensive education reform. Based on international experience, aimed at solving the key developing problems of non-governmental education in China, the development of government supporting system for non-governmental education need to follow modern ideas, focus on top-level design, and fulfills the function of guidance. A systematic approach should be adopted in the development of the system. Basic strategy, supporting strategy and complementary strategy are three types of strategy composing the system. In order to address practical issues in the development of non-governmental education, the supporting system need to be updated continuously.



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