首页> 中文期刊> 《复旦教育论坛》 >我国高等教育科类结构调控:机制分析与路径选择




This paper discusses the actual problems that arise during the adjustment of discipline structure of higher education in China, and analyzes the formation mechanism of the predicament from a theoretical perspective. The root of the problem lies in the failure or malfunction of discipline examination and approval system, enrollment system, financial allocation system, as well as ranking and evaluation system. Hence, the paper attempts to blaze a new trail for the adjustment of disciplinary structure by converting ways of thinking to game analysis, transforming the role of government from executive leader to market regulator, reforming the existing examination and approval system to a review and record-keeping system, reforming the enrollment and resource allocation system to a discipline-oriented one, and establishing a third-party assessment mechanism.%本文讨论了我国高等教育科类结构调控面临的现实困境,从理论层面分析了科类结构问题的生成机制,提出专业审批制度、招生录取制度和拨款制度、排名和评价制度是导致问题的根源所在. 在此基础上提出了重建我国科类结构调控新机制的路径选择,即:转变思路,从博弈分析中找到调控切入点;政府由行政主导转向市场监管者的角色,建立与利益挂钩的责任约束机制;改革专业审批准入制为审核备案制,把主体责任扩展到过程和结果中;改革招生、拨款制度,转向专业主导;建立第三方专业评估制度,以信息服务引导市场需求趋向合理.



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