首页> 中文期刊> 《中国林副特产》 >光照强度对长春花生活史形成和光合作用的影响




Catharanthus roseus can be used as medicine ,Its secondary metabolites such as vindoline ,vinblastine can be used to cure various cancers .It would be important for production if we can be by adjusting the illumination to achive diffrent purposes of production .The experiment was divided into three intensity of light culture Catharanthus roseus ,respectively 100μmol/m2 · s ,500μmol/m2 · s and 900μmol/m2 · s ,the results show that the control effects of different light intensity on the life history of Catharanthus roseus type is obvious ,its life cycle forms with the reduction of light intensity ,changes from VS for the VC ,embodies the plant energy internal circulation .The photosynthetic data results show that young leaves use of bright light ,old leaves use of weak light ,make full use of light plants under different habitats in order to ensure survival .%长春花是重要的药用植物,广泛栽植于热带和亚热带地区,其次生代谢产物文多灵、长春碱,长春质碱等可治疗多种癌症。如果可以通过调节光照来达到不同的生产目的,将对生产实践具有重要意义。实验分3个强度光照培养长春花,分别为100μmol/m2· s、500μmol/m2· s和900μmol/m2· s ,运用主成分分析法(PCA ),对营养生长、有性生长和无性繁殖3类15种性状进行统计,结果表明:不同光照强度对长春花生活史型的调控作用十分明显,其生活史型随着光照强度的减弱,由VS转变为VC ,体现了植物能量的内部循环。光合数据结果表明,嫩叶主要利用强光,老叶主要利用弱光,使植物充分利用不同生境下的光照,以保证生存。



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