首页> 中文期刊>食品研究与开发 >全球供应链中的食品企业社会责任治理研究




全球范围内企业社会责任运动的兴起、企业社会责任传递风险使得全球供应链上的食品企业社会责任治理日益重要。加强供应链食品企业社会责任治理对确保全球食品安全以及促进本国食品产业的全球价值链升级具有重要意义。个体与集体利益的冲突及供应链社会责任谈判中企业地位的不对称等弱化了食品供应链企业社会责任治理的效果。加强食品供应链社会责任治理需要供应链核心企业的积极参与和构建食品供应链企业的协同、共生机制,发展中国家的中小型食品企业可根据自身在食品价值链中的地位采取合理的风险规避策略逐步推进自己的企业社会责任行动。%The rise of CSR activities and the CSR's transmission risk worldwide have made CSR governance of Food Industry in the Global Supply Chains more important. It is important to ensure global food safety and to promote the GVCs upgrading of domestic food industry by strengthening CSR governance of food industry supply chains. The conflict of individual and collective interests and the position asymmetry of food firms in the negotiations of CSR of supply chains have reduced the effects of CSR governance of Food firms in the global supply chains. We need the active participation of key firm and the construction of synergetic and symbiotic system in the supply chains. Furthermore,the small and medium food firms in the developing countries may use reasonable risk aversion strategies to promote its own CSR activities step by step.



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