首页> 中文期刊> 《流体机械》 >户内变电站通风换热的数值模拟与优化分析




In order to find a solution to the improper work for electric equipment in indoor substation due to high temperature caused by the inadequate ventilation and heat transfer in summer,the numerical simulation has been conducted on the perform-ance of ventilation and heat exchange in main transformer room using Fluent software.The distribution for velocity and temperature in the room has also been considered,while the position and the size for both inlets and outlets in substation has also optimized to an optimum level.As a result,the method enhancing the performance of heat exchange has been put forward by installing guide vanes under the inlets and numerical calculation has also conducted on the configuration of guide vanes to an optimum level,which can provide a good reference for the later design of indoor substation,ensure the safe operation of electric equipment at high tem-perature in summer,and reduce the effects of noise caused by the substation on the urban environment.%为了解决户内变电站夏季通风换热引起温度过高导致的设备安全问题,基于 CFD 数值模拟技术,利用专业流体仿真分析软件 Fluent 对户内变电站主变压器室的通风换热效果进行了数值模拟,优化分析了变电站进出风口尺寸、方位、流速以及户内变电站内部流场的分布,提出了加装导流片改善变电站通风换热效果的方法,并对导流片参数进行了优化计算,实现了户内变电站通风换热的优化设计,不仅保证了户内变电站夏季高温时期的设备安全,而且也有利于降低户内变电站噪声对环境的影响。



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