首页> 中文期刊>渔业现代化 >洛阳陆浑水库网箱养鱼污染负荷预测计算




Water environment capacity has been calculated by mathematical model of the reservoir of Luhun in order to develop vigorously "protecting the water fishery". It is calculated for cage fish culture pollution load and quantity according to water environmental capacity forecast model. The result indicated that the loads of total nitrogen was 9.08 × 10 -4 g/( m2 · a) and total phosphorus was 2.75 × 10 -2g/( m2 · a) in the reservoir,which have been more than eutrophication load of reservoir threshold 1.94 × 10-4 g/( m2 · a) and 2.90 ×10-3g/( m2 · a). The calculations showed that the reservoir was not suitable for development of cage fish culture by feeding, because the total content of total nitrogen, total phosphorus in the reservoir was beyond the threshold of water self - purification capability due to the influence of the human behaviors.%为大力发展"保水渔业",运用数学模型分析计算了水库水环境容量.根据水库水环境容量预测模型对陆浑水库的网箱养鱼污染负荷进行预测计算.计算结果:陆浑水库库区总氮、总磷的负荷分别为2.75x10(-2)g/(m2.a)、9.08x10(-4)g/(m2.a),而库区水质富营养化总氮、总磷的最高临界值负荷分别为2.90x10(-3)g/(m2.a)、1.94x10(-4)g/(m2.a).从计算结果可以看出,该水库的总氮、总磷由于受人为因素的影响,超出了水库水体的自净能力最高临界值,库区已不适宜发展投饵网箱养鱼.



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