首页> 中文期刊>渔业现代化 >渔船风荷载计算方法的比较研究




大风天气时风荷载和波浪荷载共同作用下渔船容易走锚或倾覆,作为主要荷载之一,有必要了解不同风速下渔船所受风荷载的大小.分析研究了国内外应用较广的几种关于船舶风荷载计算方法及其应用于渔船的优缺点.并选取其中两种方法计算了8154型渔船所受风荷载大小,比较计算结果发现二者纵向分力计算结果比较接近,横向分力计算结果存在一定差别,有待于进一步的验证和研究.%It is easy to take fishing vessel capsized or anchor dragging under the wind loads and wave loads in windy weather.As one of the main loads, it is necessary to understand the different wind loads of the fishing vessel suffered at different wind speeds.This article analysed several domestic and foreign ship wind load calculation method about their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of calculation applied to fishing vessels.Take 8154 fishing vessels as an illustration, used two methods of the above to calculate its wind loads.By comparing the results, it shows that the longitudinal force is similar, and there are some differences between the side force, needs further validation and research.



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